BusTalk U.S. Surface Transportation Galleries

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Home > Southwestern & Western U.S. > Texas & New Mexico > Austin - Capital Metro

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Capital Metro 02448 viewsCapital Metro #02 working the Blue Line in downtown Austin. Photograph taken June 24, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 17349 viewsCapital Metro #17 at the yard. Photograph taken June 4, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 1826530 viewsCapital Metro #1826 at the Capital Metro yard. This bus is retired. Photograph taken by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 9301348 viewsMCI D4500 at the Capital Metro yard. Photograph taken by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2102371 viewsNew Flyer DE40LF at the Capital Metro yard. Photograph taken by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2016336 viewsCapital Metro #2016 working route 328. Photograph taken June 14, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2017319 viewsCapital Metro #2017 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2053355 viewsCapital Metro #2053 at the yard in Austin. Photograph taken August 20, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2058372 viewsCapital Metro #2058 at the yard in Austin. Photograph taken August 20, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2101355 viewsDriver pulling a pre-trip on the yard. Photograph taken by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2102381 viewsCapital Metro Roadeo Bus #2102 at the yard. Photograph taken September 23, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2103404 viewsCapital Metro #2103 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
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