BusTalk U.S. Surface Transportation Galleries

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Home > Southwestern & Western U.S. > Texas & New Mexico > Austin - Capital Metro

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NABI 40-LFW Demonstrator504 views2008 NABI 40-LFW demonstrator at the Capital Metro yard in Austin, Texas. Photograph taken September 23, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2103413 viewsCapital Metro #2103 at the yard in Austin. Photograph taken August 20, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2103404 viewsCapital Metro #2103 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2103383 viewsCapial Metro #2103 after delivery at Austin shop. Photograph taken March 14, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2102381 viewsCapital Metro Roadeo Bus #2102 at the yard. Photograph taken September 23, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2061333 viewsCapital Metro #2061 at the yard. Photograph taken June 4, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2058372 viewsCapital Metro #2058 at the yard in Austin. Photograph taken August 20, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2053355 viewsCapital Metro #2053 at the yard in Austin. Photograph taken August 20, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 2052327 viewsCapital Metro #2052 at the yard. Photograph taken June 4, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 9310341 viewsCapital Metro #9310 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 9307331 viewsCapital Metro #9307 at the yard getting a detail cleaning. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reuztel.
Capital Metro 9307355 viewsCapital Metro #9307 working express route 935 in December, 2006. Photograph taken by Fred Reutzel.
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