BusTalk U.S. Surface Transportation Galleries

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Home > Southwestern & Western U.S. > Texas & New Mexico > Austin - Capital Metro

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Capital Metro 1820472 viewsCapital Metro #1820 working route 7-Duval at San Jacinto Boulevard & West 23rd Street. Photograph taken in March, 1994 by Jim Beeler; collection of Mel Bernero.
Capital Metro 1826530 viewsCapital Metro #1826 at the Capital Metro yard. This bus is retired. Photograph taken by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 1827527 viewsCapital Metro #1827 working route 2-Rosewood. Photograph taken in March, 1994 by Jim Beeler; collection of Mel Bernero.
Capital Metro 7004496 viewsCapital Metro #7004 at the yard in Austin. Photograph taken August 20, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 7027431 viewsCapital Metro #7027 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 02448 viewsCapital Metro #02 working the Blue Line in downtown Austin. Photograph taken June 24, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 17349 viewsCapital Metro #17 at the yard. Photograph taken June 4, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 7401428 viewsCapital Metro #7401 working route 100-Airport Flyer. Photograph taken October 11, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 7420365 viewsCapital Metro #7420 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 7425433 viewsCapital Metro #7425 at the yard. Photograph taken June 18, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 7432373 viewsCapital Metro #7432 at the yard wrapped for Airport Flyer service. Photograph taken July 16, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
Capital Metro 7435400 viewsCapital Metro #7435 working route 328 in Austin. Photograph taken August 2, 2008 by Fred Reutzel.
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