Search results - "Bonanza" |


Interstate Buses 4810260 viewsInterstate Buses #4810 at the Short Line garage in Newport. Interstate and Short Line shared equipment on most routes,but George Sage kept these companies separate until he changed the company name to Bonanza in 1972. Photograph taken by Father Driscoll; collection of Dave Dearstyne.

The Short Line 3342 (ex-Eastern Mass St Ry 3342, exx-PSCT)686 viewsShort Line #3342. Photograph taken by Bob Hussey; collection of Dave Colton.

Peter Pan (ex-Bonanza) 38904364 viewsBonanza #38904 at Kennedy Plaza in downtown Providence. Photograph taken February 7, 2004 by Michael Pompili.

The Short Line 3351 (ex-Eastern Mass St Ry 3351, exx-PSCT)406 viewsShort Line #3351. Photograph taken by Bob Hussey; collection of Dave Colton.

Peter Pan (ex-Bonanza) 39603209 viewsBonanza #39603 at the Hartford terminal. Photograph taken May 23, 2004 by Michael Pompili.

Crown New England 3218 (ex-?)246 viewsCrown New England #3218 at the Bonanza terminal in downtown Providence. Photograph taken by Don Champlin.

Bonanza 160553 viewsBonanza Bus Lines #160 at the Greyhound station on St. James Street in Boston. Photographer unknown; collection of Dave Dearstyne.

Interstate Buses 181276 viewsInterstate Buses #181 in Providence. Interstate and Short Line shared equipment on most routes, but George Sage kept these companies separate until he changed the company name to Bonanza in 1972. Photograph taken by George Zeiba; collection of Dave Dearstyne.

Bonanza 5805621 viewsBonanza #5805 in Falmouth, Massachusetts in 1976. Photograph taken by Don Champlin; collection of Dave Dearstyne.

Bonanza 6030 (ex-Short Line 6030, exx-Johnson Bus Line 163)609 viewsBonanza #6030 at the garage. Photograph taken by Bob Hussey; collection of Dave Colton.

Bonanza (ex-Short Line) 6036467 viewsBonanza #6036 at the garage. Photograph taken by Bob Hussey; collection of Dave Colton.