Search results - "Providence" |

Auch Inter-Borough Transit 642470 viewsAuch Inter-Borough Transit #642 at the RIPTA Elmwood Avenue garage in Providence, RI, prior to being repainted as RIPTA #506. Photograph taken by Don Champlin.

Donley's Bus Service 30373 viewsDonley's Bus Service #30 at Atwells Avenue & Franklin Street in Providence. Photograph taken by Don Champlin.

ABC 7 (ex-Longuiel Transportation)451 viewsABC #7 at the Providence Civic Center. Photograph taken by Don Champlin.

Grey Goose Lines 47670325 viewsGrey Goose Lines #47670 laying over on Exchange Terrace in Providence. Photograph taken March 8, 2010 by Michael Pompili.

RIPTA 0101341 viewsRIPTA #0101 working route 30-Arlington/Oaklawn at Memorial Boulevard & Exchange Street. Photograph taken May 21, 2008 by Michael Pompili.

May Mobility GEM e6263 viewsMay Mobility GEM e6, an autonomous six-passenger vehicle, in testing on Providence Place at The 903 in advance of the May 15 launch of the Little Roady shuttle. Photograph taken April 17, 2019 by Michael Pompili.

Entertainment Express 4220 (ex-Bee-Line)317 viewsEntertainment Express #4220 in front of the Strand theater at Washington & Clemece Streets on February 7, 2004. Photograph taken by Michael Pompili.

Rhode Island Motorcoach 7013 (ex-MBTA 7013)402 viewsRhode Island Motorcoach #7013 on Promenade Street in Providence. Photograph taken by Don Champlin.

New England & Western 3217 (ex-Crown New England 3217, exx-RIPTA, exx-Transit Line)279 viewsNew England & Western #3217 on West Exchange Street in Providence. Photograph taken by Don Champlin.

GATRA 1805 (ex-ABC 1805, exx-RIPTA 1805, exxx-UTC 1805)376 viewsGATRA #1805, operated under contract by ABC of North Providence, RI, on the Route 123 route in Attleboro. Photograph taken by Bob Hussey; collection of Dave Colton.

Peter Pan (ex-Bonanza) 38904364 viewsBonanza #38904 at Kennedy Plaza in downtown Providence. Photograph taken February 7, 2004 by Michael Pompili.

UTC 5 (ex-UER)441 viewsUTC #5. This coach was modernized with a single door and wicker upholstery and was often found on the Providence-Woonsocket route. Pete Castellanos photo; collection of Don Champlin.
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