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Home > New England > Rhode Island > Rhode Island Public Transit Authority - TMC & NovaBus RTS

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RIPTA 9001641 viewsRIPTA #9001 at the Melrose Street Yard. Photograph taken February 10, 2001 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9001512 viewsRIPTA #9001 at the Melrose Street Yard with a Beach Express wrap. Photograph taken September 2, 2001 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9001526 viewsInterior of RIPTA #9001. Photograph taken September 2, 2001 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9003372 viewsRIPTA #9003 at the Melrose Street Yard. Photograph taken September 2, 2001 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9003482 viewsRIPTA #9003 at the Melrose Street Yard. Photograph taken September 2, 2001 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9004357 viewsRIPTA #9004 working route 50-Douglas Avenue at Kennedy Plaza in March, 1993. Photograph taken by Bob Hussey; collection of Dave Colton.
RIPTA 9005 & 9013380 viewsRIPTA #9005 & 9013 at the former Dunne Ford. Photograph taken July 3, 2004 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9006404 viewsRIPTA #9006 at the Melrose Street Yard. Photograph taken September 2, 2001 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9006596 viewsRIPTA #9006 at the former Dunne Ford. Photograph taken December 1, 2002 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9007 & 9009355 viewsRIPTA #9007 & 9009 at the former Dunne Ford. Photograph taken July 3, 2004 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9007478 viewsRIPTA #9007 at the former Dunne Ford. Photograph taken July 3, 2004 by Michael Pompili.
RIPTA 9007531 viewsInterior of RIPTA #9007. Photograph taken July 3, 2004 by Michael Pompili.
180 files on 15 page(s) 1